Kolmapäeval, 30. märtsil kell 18:15–19:45 Lossi 3-217 loeng
Relations between the human world and the world of spirits in Confucianism (Suhted inimeste maailma ja vaimude maailma vahel konfutsianismis)
Neljapäeval, 31. märtsil kell 16:15–17:45 Lossi 3-427 loeng
Depictions of Confucius in the Cultural Revolution (Konfutsiuse kujutamine kultuurirevolutsiooni ajal 1966-1976)
Reedel, 1. aprillil kell 10:15–13:45 Lossi 3-217 seminar
Human concepts and depictions of human body in Confucianism and other schools of Chinese thought (Inimese mõiste ja inimkeha kujutamine konfutsianismis ja teistes Hiina mõttekoolkondades)
Loengud ja seminar toimuvad inglise keeles. Osavõtt vaba kõikidele huvilistele.
Mõned kokkuvõtted loengutel ja seminaril käsitletavatest teemadest
1. Beyond the Analects: Unusual Depictions of Confucius
Confucius nowadays is often understood as a wise sage and teacher, but over the centuries he has also been understood in many other ways–not all of them flattering! He has been perceived, for example, as a fool, a king, a master of demons, a child-killer, and a disciple of the Tibetan Bon tradition. Confucius’s sayings are compiled in the text known as the Analects, but this lecture goes beyond the Analects to locate other kinds of depictions of the man known as “the Sage.” Using sources found in the archeological record, visual sources, folklore, and material culture, this illustrated presentation explores some of the more unusual ways the figure of Confucius has been constructed in premodern China.
2. Images for Iconoclasts: Depicting Confucius in the Cultural Revolution
One of the most violent periods of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China was the Anti-Lin Biao and Anti-Confucius Movement of the mid 1970s. Struggles against “enemies” were promoted through the mass production of images of violence. Paradoxically, this movement saw the creation of millions of images that encouraged viewers to participate in a frenzy of iconoclastic destruction. Posters, photographs, booklets, illustrated pocket-novels, and dozens of other kinds of media encouraged even children to seek out and destroy “the enemy.” One of the primary enemies was Confucius, who represented everything that should be swept away by revolutionary fervor. This illustrated presentation explores these “images for iconoclasts,” which ironically were treated as icons themselves.
3. Depictions of Confucius in the West
Confucius has been known to Western audiences in Europe and the Americas for hundreds of years. Since the seventeenth century, Jesuit painters employed in the courts of Chinese emperors sent back images of Confucius that were distributed throughout Europe, and since then Confucius has been a part of Western visions of “the Orient.” Confucius has been imagined there in many different guises: as a philosopher, statesman, magician, peace advocate, playboy, cook, teacher, healer, businessman, and genius. Looking at images from historical texts, literature, advertising, and popular culture, this presentation illustrates some of the many ways Confucius has been depicted in the West.
Deboral Sommeri teemakohaseid kijutisi vt: http://www.tibet.ee/sommer/
Deborah Sommeri resümeed vt: http://public.gettysburg.edu/~dsommer/resume%20long%20may%207%202010.pdf
Deborah Sommer on USA Pennsylvania osariigi Gettysburgi Kolledži religiooniteaduste osakonna abiprofessor, Vilniuse Ülikooli orientalistikakeskuse Fulbrighti külalisprofessor 2010-2011 Ta on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud sinoloog, kelle peamised uurimisvaldkonnad on hiina religioonid ja mõttelugu, konfutsianism, konfutsianistliku traditsiooni religioossed ja visuaalsed aspektid, konfutsianistlikud ettekujutused inimkehast.
Professor Deborah Sommer viibib Tartus TÜ orientalistikakeskuse kutsel koostöö raames Vilniuse Ülikooli orientalistikakeskusega. Visiit ja loengud saavad teoks koostöös Eesti Akadeemilise Orientaalseltsiga.